Ulysses I have shrugged
by Sinbad I conspired
on the heels of Achilles
I hitched a ride on Halley's tail
and feigned Columbus on a starship
a castaway on the Flying Dutchman
high and dry
or a prisoner atop
the Castle of the Pyrenees
My name is not Ishmael
but I will be free
so long as I may serve on Ahab's ship
I did not circle this world to stay
thus Magellan I did betray
Come sail with me
I want you by my side
my princess for a millennium
come romp with me on a starry ride
and trip the light fantastic!
I'll take you on an airship
and skim the cloud tops of Jupiter
We'll spend our honeymoon on the moon
and dine by the waters of Neptune's seas
We'll gallop through the galaxy's domain
around the Horsehead Nebula's mane
We'll star-hop 'round the Pleiades
and ride the crest of the shockwave
of a supernova!
I'll take you ice skating around
the rings of Saturn
We'll play hide and seek in
the Motari Nebula
or a joyride through the Asteroid Belt
and have cereal
in the Milky Way
I want to waltz with you in Kubric's space
to the Blue Danube in weightless grace
We'll see seabeams glitter in the dark
by the Tienhausser Gates
Attack ships on fire off the shoulders of Orion
burning with the fires of Org
Or we may, in our solitude
watch Scorpius rise from the Sea of Cortez
a candlelight dinner on the Observatory's balcony
to gaze at the gibbous moon near Mt. Baldy
and play tag on the 210 freeway
These memories and images
in the past, in the present, in the future
or in fantasy
will live in my mind and in my heart
even when the universe has collapsed
and another big bang occurs
And I will love you all over again...